Monday, June 22, 2009

Last Week in Arad

Hello! How are you? I am doing GREAT!

This week was really good - hard, but good. We had a lot of people to visit, and not too much time because we went up to Nadlac twice, and that takes so much out of the day, but it was worth it. Ana had a baptismal date for this past Saturday, but she ended up not getting baptized because of a situation that we didn't understand and there were all sorts of fun mis-communications and so it didn't happen. But she still wants to get baptized - in fact she was disappointed that she couldn't on Saturday. We're planning for it to happen on the 4th of July in 2 weeks. Amalia's baptism did happen though, and it was so good. The Spirit was SO strong, and it was beautiful with a great turn out, including Ana. Amalia was so happy, and it is so neat to see how this gospel really is the message of joy and peace and how it changes our lives so much to the point where we want to follow God - regardless the sacrifice - because we know that it will bring us the most joy.

We also have a baptismal date for Corina, the mystery woman (the one that we taught, thinking she was someone else, and then realizing that she wasn't that person and that we didn't know her name) that I wrote about a few weeks ago, and she is getting baptized on the 4th of July also. She's so cute, and is just so excited to learn everything that we have to teach her. I love it.

Really the only other thing of much interest that I have to write to you is that I'm getting transfered! I have to leave Arad, which is going to be really hard, but it will be good. I leave tomorrow night (Tuesday) to go down to Bucuresti and then on Wednesday I find out where I will be serving for the next little while and with whom. It will be neat to see what is coming next, and though I am going to miss Arad a TON, I'm excited to go where the Lord has more work for me to do. The members of the Arad branch were really sad that I'm leaving though, and a lot of them are convinced that I'll come back and serve there again. I will go back, though I don't know if it will be as a missionary, so we'll see.

But yeah, a good busy week is past, and more fun times ahead, and you'll have to wait until next week to find out where I'm at!

Oh, and the language is still coming along. It's hard for me to see my own improvements, but things are going well and I'm loving it.

As for home stuff, It is so crazy that Cherisse is getting married in less than 40 days and counting! But so exciting at the same time - Thank's Cherisse for the pictures, so pretty! and I can't wait to see the dress on you, and I'm so glad to hear that you're doing good even with the cadaver lab lol! (I'll pray for your consciousness).

And I hope that Shaley and Jenn and Dad have the best time at girl's camp. Jenna is not old enough to be on the hike, because I remember going on that hike! Don't get eaten by any bears, ok? And Shaley, have fun being a YCL - you're such a great leader already, so just have fun with it. And Tamara - have such a great sleep over!

And that is so cool about Josh and David. Tell them I say hi and keep me posted with the missionary lessons (I pray about them every night). Anyways, I love you all so so so so much! And I'm excited to hear from you again next week and to tell you what's up with me!

Love you all MUAH!--Sora Karina

p.s. Mom, Zack's birthday is July 8th, and Elder Pardus' birthday is July 12th. And also, is the chocolate cookie recipe coming soon, along with Shaley and Jenna's email address? Because that would be so awesome! I love you lots!

psps - Sora Thompson: Ani a plans cand a citit scrisoarea ta, si mi-a zis sa-ti spun ca ea te iubeste foarte mult si multumesc pentru tot! Familia Banici-Wagner face bine si tot este bun. Te iubesc pe tine ;} Cu dragi, Sora Karina

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