Hello everyone! How are you? I'm doing just grand.
In the first place, Fericit sa fie ziua indragostitilor! Or happy Valentine’s Day! Or if I translate it literally, happy to be the day of those in love! Ha, I love Romanian. And although it is an American holiday, they still use this day as a good pull for getting more business; "find the perfect gift" and whatever. But it's not nearly as big a deal here as it is at home. I had 2 lovely valentines - they're called my companions. lol.
Anyways, this week was super busy. We found out on Monday that we were going to Bucuresti again on Wednesday for our Zone Conference which was super exciting that we were going, but we had just gotten back, it seemed like, so it was kinda exhausting to travel some more. Especially since it snowed - again - and the busses weren't running, so we had to take a train (which is probably safer anyways, but it adds 2 hours on the travel time). Needless to say, we were all really tired for zone conference, but it was a really good one, and I learned a lot. It was fun.
We came back to a city partially flooded from the snow and ice beginning to melt and not really having any place to go. Now it is raining quite steadily and walking is more like jumping from dry patch to the part of the ground that doesn't have a lake on it. It’s fun. I would go puddle jumping, but walking outside gets you wet enough.
We also had English sign-ups, cuz we're starting our program again this week, which should be fun; the "new and improved" program that our assistants have been preparing for the past 2 transfers. It should be good.
In the first place, Fericit sa fie ziua indragostitilor! Or happy Valentine’s Day! Or if I translate it literally, happy to be the day of those in love! Ha, I love Romanian. And although it is an American holiday, they still use this day as a good pull for getting more business; "find the perfect gift" and whatever. But it's not nearly as big a deal here as it is at home. I had 2 lovely valentines - they're called my companions. lol.
Anyways, this week was super busy. We found out on Monday that we were going to Bucuresti again on Wednesday for our Zone Conference which was super exciting that we were going, but we had just gotten back, it seemed like, so it was kinda exhausting to travel some more. Especially since it snowed - again - and the busses weren't running, so we had to take a train (which is probably safer anyways, but it adds 2 hours on the travel time). Needless to say, we were all really tired for zone conference, but it was a really good one, and I learned a lot. It was fun.
We came back to a city partially flooded from the snow and ice beginning to melt and not really having any place to go. Now it is raining quite steadily and walking is more like jumping from dry patch to the part of the ground that doesn't have a lake on it. It’s fun. I would go puddle jumping, but walking outside gets you wet enough.
We also had English sign-ups, cuz we're starting our program again this week, which should be fun; the "new and improved" program that our assistants have been preparing for the past 2 transfers. It should be good.
And we had a branch activity where they all came and got dirty cleaning out the back courtyard of the church so that we can eventually have a lovely garden back there with fruits, veggies, and flowers. The idea is to eventually have a source of food owned by the church for the families that don't have the means to purchase their own food. Neat stuff. We had all types of junk back there that I didn't even realize - poles and wooden beams and broken windows and old doors, complete with an old toilet and a dead rat. It was fun.
We are also trying really hard to institute visiting teaching and home teaching more in this branch, because it hadn't really been done at all before, and the members really don't know what they're doing. But some of them are at least very willing to try and do what they've been asked to do, which is good. Like Aurora Boboc. She has been inactive for the past while; I hadn't seen her come to church since I've been in Constanta for the past 5 months until she came 2 weeks ago. As sister missionaries we have some companions for visiting teaching and Sora Boboc is one of them. She was sooooo nervous to teach Sora Nitica who is the relief society president (who knows the scriptures so well, and Sora Boboc said that she doesn't know the scriptures like that, and what could Sora Nitica possibly learn from her? ) and so on, but she was excited to try, and she did so good. It was so neat to see her sitting there saying "I don't really know you, but I was called to come and be your friend, and I don't know what I can teach you, but I hope that I can be here for you when you don't have anyone else here...and I tried to prepare a short message that the first Presidency put out for the sisters of the church to hear, and I want to tell you that I know what they tell us to do will bless our lives...." and she just kept going. It was amazing the love that she put into her studies in order to prepare for that lesson.
She also teaches with us Sora Beere who is from England and is currently trying to learn Romanian, so really the lesson is me translating for the two of them instead of teaching. And Sora Boboc just taught simply the principles and the blessings and then testified how she had seen it in her life, and it was really neat.
This church is not filled with any perfect people, but it certainly helps us learn how to perfect ourselves so that we can become greater tools in the Lord's hand to the blessing of His children and all those around us. That is the main principle between home and visiting teaching, and it is something exciting to see how the members here are starting to learn about that.
This week Ion had a slight break-through. He finally said that he would pray to know what he wants! Yes! He doesn't know if he wants eternal life because he doesn't really know what it will be like, especially since his earthly family is broken, so why would he want them for eternity? and so on and so forth, but now he is trying to figure out what the celestial kingdom would hold for him, and he's praying to know if he wants it, so we are excited for that. And Vatuta talked to her husband again, but he still doesn't like the idea of her getting baptized, so now we are in an effort to strengthen her faith that God can change his heart. She believes it's possible, and is now going to be praying that he will receive that change and allow her to get baptized. The wait will be hard, but it will also be worth it.
Well, I don't have much time to write anything else, but I love you all so so very much, and I want you to know that God loves you, too. He is our Father and everything He does is for our benefit. I know that He sent His son to be the Way that we can return to Him. Through the suffering of Jesus Christ, He knows us perfectly, so He can help us perfectly, and through our imperfections He loves us perfectly. I know that through this love can we find the strength to get through any challenge that comes our way, and we can trust that God will not give us anything above our capacity - as long as we rely on Him and His strength we can do anything. He did not send us here on earth to fail, but to succeed and win. He awaits each of us in every moment with open arms, and I know that as we turn to Him, He will be our strength and support.
I love you all so much, and I hope that you have an amazing week!
Love always, --
Sora Karina
We are also trying really hard to institute visiting teaching and home teaching more in this branch, because it hadn't really been done at all before, and the members really don't know what they're doing. But some of them are at least very willing to try and do what they've been asked to do, which is good. Like Aurora Boboc. She has been inactive for the past while; I hadn't seen her come to church since I've been in Constanta for the past 5 months until she came 2 weeks ago. As sister missionaries we have some companions for visiting teaching and Sora Boboc is one of them. She was sooooo nervous to teach Sora Nitica who is the relief society president (who knows the scriptures so well, and Sora Boboc said that she doesn't know the scriptures like that, and what could Sora Nitica possibly learn from her? ) and so on, but she was excited to try, and she did so good. It was so neat to see her sitting there saying "I don't really know you, but I was called to come and be your friend, and I don't know what I can teach you, but I hope that I can be here for you when you don't have anyone else here...and I tried to prepare a short message that the first Presidency put out for the sisters of the church to hear, and I want to tell you that I know what they tell us to do will bless our lives...." and she just kept going. It was amazing the love that she put into her studies in order to prepare for that lesson.
She also teaches with us Sora Beere who is from England and is currently trying to learn Romanian, so really the lesson is me translating for the two of them instead of teaching. And Sora Boboc just taught simply the principles and the blessings and then testified how she had seen it in her life, and it was really neat.
This church is not filled with any perfect people, but it certainly helps us learn how to perfect ourselves so that we can become greater tools in the Lord's hand to the blessing of His children and all those around us. That is the main principle between home and visiting teaching, and it is something exciting to see how the members here are starting to learn about that.
This week Ion had a slight break-through. He finally said that he would pray to know what he wants! Yes! He doesn't know if he wants eternal life because he doesn't really know what it will be like, especially since his earthly family is broken, so why would he want them for eternity? and so on and so forth, but now he is trying to figure out what the celestial kingdom would hold for him, and he's praying to know if he wants it, so we are excited for that. And Vatuta talked to her husband again, but he still doesn't like the idea of her getting baptized, so now we are in an effort to strengthen her faith that God can change his heart. She believes it's possible, and is now going to be praying that he will receive that change and allow her to get baptized. The wait will be hard, but it will also be worth it.
Well, I don't have much time to write anything else, but I love you all so so very much, and I want you to know that God loves you, too. He is our Father and everything He does is for our benefit. I know that He sent His son to be the Way that we can return to Him. Through the suffering of Jesus Christ, He knows us perfectly, so He can help us perfectly, and through our imperfections He loves us perfectly. I know that through this love can we find the strength to get through any challenge that comes our way, and we can trust that God will not give us anything above our capacity - as long as we rely on Him and His strength we can do anything. He did not send us here on earth to fail, but to succeed and win. He awaits each of us in every moment with open arms, and I know that as we turn to Him, He will be our strength and support.
I love you all so much, and I hope that you have an amazing week!
Love always, --
Sora Karina
What a lovely Spirit touches my heart as I read Karina's letters. She is most certainly a powerful missionary. Heather returns home next week. Doesn't seem possible but with Katie's wedding coming up on May 21st, I'm glad she'll be here for all the fun and excitement. When you write next, please share our love to Karina as well as to all your family.