How are you? I'm doing so good. The baptism on Saturday was great. Denisa was so excited to the point of fidgety nervousness, and she was so excited that when she was in the bazin (portable font) after Elder Schwartz said the prayer she practically threw herself backwards into the water that Elder Schwartz had to react fast to catch her and then Marian who was acting as one of the witnesses helped pull her up to be stable on her two feet. It was funny, but the service was nice.

Denisa bore the sweetest/cutest testimony afterwards. "My only desire was to join the true church and be baptized so that I could follow Jesus Christ. And I know that this is the true church, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and that I am following Him now." It was great. There is nothing like seeing a person accept the light of Christ that they naturally have in them and follow changes lives so that they can truly be a part of a better world. We are in a world of turmoil, but there can still be peace - at least spiritual peace, and this is the peace that truly matters, for it is eternal.

When you know that you are living in line with the will of God, and that you are doing what He knows will make you happy, don't you think that you would be able to find true happiness? I attest that it is there to be found both here in this life and in the eternities to come. I am so grateful for the knowledge that our Heavenly Father wants each of us to have, and is willing to give to us if only we would seek to obtain it. And every time we do, there are great rejoicings in heaven. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have that God lives, just as much in reality as we live and as His Son Jesus Christ lives. They love us, and they are doing everything that they can to ensure our salvation. And who's on the Lord's side trying to do all they can? I hope that we all are, for it truly is the greatest work you could ever do.
Funny story that I forgot to tell you about last week. Two weeks ago on our way out from doing internet, there was a security guard at the door (we go to internet at the library) who came out after us and in his broken English said "why you spy me? And in Romanian I responded by saying that we weren't spies, we're missionaries and he said "I no believe you, I no believe you. You spy, now tell me. A little or more?" None. But he wouldn't believe us, and it was really funny. I haven't seen him for 2 weeks though, so maybe he believes us now? I don't know.
This past week we went to the planetarium and botanical gardens - it was pretty. The center just opened last month and the building is so new and modern looking it doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of Romania. It's also set apart on a hill surrounded by beautiful grounds, so it just looks so separated. But we went in and they have a floor of nothing but fish - like the finding nemo fishes and big fish that look like they could eat a small child, all swimming around in glass containers too small for them. They also have a snake exhibit and Elder VanWagner was upsetting the cobras and getting them to strike towards him behind the glass. He just kept laughing and playing with them saying, "oh yes, this one likes me." We were all laughing.
And then we went to walk around on the grounds and we stopped under a tree to sit on some rocks and talk, and there were 2 dead turtles next to the rocks. It was sad. It looked like they had frozen or something in the night. Elder VanWagner was like "we need to go tell the head biologist that he's got some dead turtles out here and he should do something about that." I'm laughing, but you might just have had to have been there to think it was funny. Actually, you just need to know Elder Van.
But anyways, Funny Romanian moment that I can't explain, but it makes me laugh. During the spring and summer times, so starting right about now, the owners of small shops along the sides of the roads spray water on the cement sidewalk outside of their door and kind of "mop" the sidewalk. It changes nothing except for the color for just a little bit until it dries, but it is part of their opening shop routine, and I don't know why, but it is just so pointless to me.
So now the moment that you've all been waiting for. Duh duh duh Duuuhhhhh! I am getting transferred to Bucharest. It only took me until my second to last transfer to get there, but I'm going. I'm sad to leave Galati, especially since I've only been here for one, but that's ok. Buc (that's short for Bucuresti) will be fun – big - and I'll probably get lost a lot, but fun. I'll tell you all about it once I get there.

The pics are from Easter, a picture of everyone holding up their candles to the words of the priest, and the other is the priest with the "priests in training" all on the stage. I hope you can see it good enough.

I love you all lots and lots, and I hope that all is well at home. A quick shout out and congrats to Alison - I can't believe you're getting married! I'm so happy for you, and If you'll be in Idaho Falls, I'll for sure see you in September. Love you and have so much fun! (For those of you who don't know what that was about, one of my previous companions is getting married in about a month, and I just found out.)
I love you all to pieces, I pray for you always, and I am always grateful for your prayers. Have an amazing day! Always --Sora Karina
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