Saturday, February 21, 2009

Feb. 15, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dear Family,

I’m doing really good. Really tired, but that’s o.k. Today was a really good day. We watched Music and the Spoken Word, and then Relief Society was awesome. Sister Beverly Thomas and Janice Kapp Perry talked to us about the power of music in the mission. We sang a lot with them and it was super neat. Sacrament meeting this week was on charity and love. Next week it is on knowledge.

I accompanied the musical number for the Sunday night fireside and it went really well. (Side note from Janae: The MTC mission president sent us a copy of the musical number on DVD! He sent a note with it saying, “Dear Brother and Sister Coy, We appreciate so much having your missionary here at the Missionary Training Center. Many of our missionaries are very talented musically and we have tried to let them share that talent while here. Enclosed is a DVD of the wonderful musical number your missionary presented in one of our meetings. We hope you enjoy it. Please know that we love and appreciate you and your missionary. President and Sister Smith” Wow! We were elated, of course! If I can figure out how to copy it onto the computer, I will post it on the blog soon!)

The speakers were President and Sister Paul B. Price (Branch President here at the MTC.) They talked about the relationship between having the power of the Holy Ghost and virtue. I really liked how they said, “The Lord will bless and magnify you as you develop your virtue by studying the scriptures and working hard in faith. I know that is true, and I am trying to search for ways that the Lord magnifies me.

I love you all, and I’ll email on Thursday. MUAH! Sora Karina


  1. President and Sister Price were Heather's branch President (and Relief Society President) at the MTC. Are the Smiths the same ones called as Mission President in Saturday's (Feb 21st) Church News. (They were Bradley and Dana Smith).

    Heather is doing well. She had her first marriage on Feb 20 and baptism on the 22nd. (Gotta get them married before you baptize them!) Another young man will also be baptized soon. She street contacted him her first night in Texas. He lived in Arlington, so his teaching was turned over to the Texas Forth Worth Mission. But her President called her last Tuesday with that good news.

    Heather has asked that I print off Karina's and MyQ and Jackie's blog so she can stay up on their mission news. And I just figured out how to do that this week.

    Keep sharing the letters. We love hearing about Karina's experiences.

    Love to you all

  2. I'm glad you can print off their letters and send them along to her. Congratulations to Heather on the creation of a new family! How wonderful that they will be baptized soon!
