Thursday, March 12, 2009

Two weeks to go!

Ok, so first things first in my letter this week....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNA!!!!!!! I hope that you have an amazing day on sunday, I'll be thinking of you!

Mom asked if I'm nervous to be leaving soon. I'm not nervous to go, just super excited to think about where I'll be, who my trainer is, and what I'm going to do. I don't really know what to expect, and so I'm just trying to do things as best I can now in the hopes and trusting that the Lord will help me when I get there. And I only have 2 more p-day's after this one (CRAZY!)

Ok, now the real letter part. This sunday, Sister Elaine S. Dalton was the speaker for Relief Society, and talked about the blessings of being a virtuous woman. It was amazing to be able to see the effects of it in front of us as she spoke to us, and to be able to feel God's love for us through her words. I know that being virtuous is so important and that as we strive to be clean and follow and keep God's commandments, we can have His Spirit with us at all times which is such an amazing promise.

I taught the lesson in District meeting about Jesus Christ, and how we can be teachers after His example. (Look up the talk "Leading as the Savior Led" it's awesome!) I know that if we don't know Christ in our lives, we can't lead others to Him, so it is so important for our testimonies to always be growing each day as we strive to come closer to Him.

At our tuesday devotional (i sing in all the missionary choir days) we sang in the choir "Consider the Lilies" and I thought of you mom. It was a beautiful arrangement, and it was so neat to think how that song isn't singing about lilies, but about how aware Heavenly Father is of each of us because he knows us and Loves us so much. We each have seeds of divinity in us and through that statement we catch a glimps of our potential. It's amazing.

Ok, you wanted story time, so here are some stories from the past couple of weeks. The other day, my companion Sora Kiriyama accidently wore 2 different shoes for the majority of the day! It was funny because they were both black, but very different styles, and she didn't realize it until about 2 hours after the fact, and we laughed all day long about that one. Yesterday we were practicing one of our lessons and instead of saying "Duhul Sfant" which means the Holy Ghost, I said "Darul Sfant" Which means the Holy Gift. We've been giving "Holy Gifts" to each other since then ;}

Oh, and we've now had about 4 or 5 birds fly into our window of our classroom at very high speeds...3 of them have died, which is sad but it is so funny to look at the window and see tufts of feathers stuck to it.

My 2 companions and I have a random dance party at least 3 times a of them with actual music. It usually ends up being "In the Hall of the Mountain King" just because it's so fun!

My teacher Fratele Sperry is having a baby, and he just found out 2 days ago that it's going to be a boy! We were super excited for him. We got a new romanian district yesterday of 3 elders. They are awesome, and we are having so much fun with them...especially since Sora Kiriyama is pretending to be Japanese (which she is, though she can't speak it) and so they all think that she can't speak English and it is so super funny to translate for her into Romanian and to watch them try to talk to her, and her blank-faced smile back. I love it. It will probably only last 1-2 more days, but it's fun anyways.

This morning I went to the temple. After which we had breakfast in the Temple which is the most amazing food ever (as much as I love MTC food) and there was a man with his wife who paid for all of nice! and after we ate we went to thank him, and his wife turns to him"what did you do?" "I paid for their breakfast "and she turned around and goes "Oh, I'm so glad he did that for you!" And we talked with them and it was so nice. Then on our way out, there was a brother coming in and saw our tags and stopped us...he served in Romania too about 5 years ago and just told us how amazing it is. I am so excited to be going there soon! Crazy stuff!

So there are some stories that I hope give you more flavor. I'll try to do better with that ;} but I love you all so very much, and I know that this is the work of God and that it is a blessing for all of us to go forth in it.

I love you all! Have an amazing week!--Sora Karina


  1. She sounds so WONDERFUL! How good it is to hear about her experiences through her stories. I'll be sharing some with Heather from time to time.

  2. its so wonderful that I too can experience your mission!! I will be with you all the way!! remember to find some 6yr old who needs help with a stubborn loose tooth!!
    Love, Happiness and Jesus be with you....Hugs
